Model files

Electro-thermal homogenization of HTS stacks

This model was shared by C. Klop, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

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3-D H-formulation for superconducting wires and the Gmsh cohomology solver

This model was shared by C. Geuzaine, University of Liège.

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Analytical model for AC losses in HTS tapes

This model was shared by João Fernandes, Instituto Superior Técnico, Ulisboa. This work proposes two alternative analytical models to evaluate the AC losses of High-Temperature Superconducting (HTS) tapes during their hysteretic and resistive modes. Two analytical models are proposed, …

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3D COMSOL model for CORC cables

This model was shared by Sofia Viarengo, Politecnico di Torino. The model is a full 3D CORC cable: the T-A formulation has been coupled to a thermal module. The model is time-dependent and calculates current density, field distribution, and temperature in the superconductor in presenc …

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Python and Matlab codes to model HTS tapes under arbitrary external field and transport current via integral method

This model was shared by Calvin C. T. Chow, The University of Hong Kong. These Python and Matlab codes calculate ac loss of HTS tapes that are under two types of non-uniform external field whilst carrying a transport current. The two types are (1) field created by a point current sour …

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Alternative to the H-formulation for critical state simulation in HTS materials

This model was shared by Dong Keun Oh, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy. This model is developed as an attempt of static H-formulation to substitute for the magnetic formulation (A-formulation) of “the self-consistent static critical current model” which has been recognized as an effi …

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Fully-staggered array of bulk REBCO short-period undulator: large-scale 3-D electromagnetic modelling and design optimization using A-V and H- formulations

This model was shared by Kai Zhang, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland and Mark Ainslie, University of Cambridge, UK. In this shared model, implemented in ANSYS 2020R1 Academic, the theory of the 2D A-V formulation-based backward computation method is extended to calculate the criti …

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COMSOL implementation of the H-ϕ formulation with thin cuts for modeling superconductors with transport currents

These models were shared by Alexandre Arsenault, Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal. These two models use thin cuts with the H-phi formulation in COMSOL Multiphysics 5.5 to efficiently model transport currents in superconducting materials. The magnetic scalar potential is set to be disc …

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Modeling of HTS bulks surrounded by magnetic components using the H–φ formulation

These models were shared by Alexandre Arsenault, Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal. These two models use the reduced H-phi formulation to efficiently simulate the magnetic field of a superconducting bulk surrounded by magnetic components. The magnetic field is separated into a source a …

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Superconductors for power applications: an executable and web application to learn about resistive fault current limiters

This model was shared by Nicolo Riva, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. The model solves a 1-D electro-thermal model of am HTS tape in a resistive fault current limiter, working under AC fault conditions. It evaluates important figures of merit such as the limited current, the …

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