Model files / Stacks

Electro-thermal homogenization of HTS stacks

This model was shared by C. Klop, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

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Alternative to the H-formulation for critical state simulation in HTS materials

This model was shared by Dong Keun Oh, Korea Institute of Fusion Energy. This model is developed as an attempt of static H-formulation to substitute for the magnetic formulation (A-formulation) of “the self-consistent static critical current model” which has been recognized as an effi …

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Coupled A-H formulation for magneto-thermal transients in HTS magnets

These models were shared by shared by Lorenzo Bortot, CERN. The two models implement a coupled A-H field formulation in FEM, solving for H in the superconducting tapes, and for A elsewhere. The tapes are represented either by means of 2D domains or 1D thin-shells. For the second case, …

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AC losses calculation in REBCO coils or stacks

This model can calculate HTS stack/coil with various applied current and magnetic field. Its greatest advantage is the calculating speed could be very fast. The model is calculated by integration method, which was first proposed by Brandt for HTS tape. Here it is extended to ReBCO sta …

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ANSYS APDL codes for modelling the critical state magnetization current in REBCO tape stacks with a large number of turns using the A-V formulation

An iterative algorithm method, based on ANSYS A–V formulation, is developed to simulate the critical state magnetization current Jc(B,θ) in ReBCO tape stacks during the field-cooling magnetization. The computation speed is quite fast because the eddy current is not computed in non-sup …

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T-A multi-scale and homogeneous models for benchmark #3

These two models address the analysis of the Benchmark #3, a 20 HTS tapes stack. The models show how the multi-scale and homogeneous methods are adapted to be used in conjunction with the T-A formulation. The achieved simplification in the description of the system allow to reduce the …

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AC losses in a superconducting magnet in the presence of a time-dependent transport current

This model is based on ANSYS 15.0. The model calculates the AC loss in a superconducting magnet in the presence of a time-dependent transport current. The superconductor is modeled with Bean model. The parameters and outputs are all in text format, can be easily read and modified. Alm …

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T-A formulation for modelling 2G HTS stacks

Impressive work Nothing else matters Impressive work Nothing else matters The model shows how to use the thin strip approximation for the superconducting coated conductors to speed up calculation. The model simulates the magnetisation of a 2G HTS stack. The T formulation is used for m …

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Modeling and simulation of termination resistances in superconducting cables

The models presented here are used to simulate termination resistances which are largely responsible for the uneven distribution of currents in superconducting cables [1]. For this purpose, four different models are presented. The first is a 0D stationary model, where time enters as a …

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Full 3-D time-dependent electromagnetic model for Roebel cables

This model was shared by V. Zermeno, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. This model simulates the current distribution in the superconducting layers of a Roebel cable composed of 14 strands and estimates its AC losses. The mode is rather general and allows considering the cases of curr …

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