Model files / Cables

3-D H-formulation for superconducting wires and the Gmsh cohomology solver

This model was shared by C. Geuzaine, University of Liège.

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3D COMSOL model for CORC cables

This model was shared by Sofia Viarengo, Politecnico di Torino. The model is a full 3D CORC cable: the T-A formulation has been coupled to a thermal module. The model is time-dependent and calculates current density, field distribution, and temperature in the superconductor in presenc …

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Open source 2-D finite difference method for the simulation of HTS cables

In this work a two-dimensional open source simulation code based on the finite difference method (FDM) has been developed. It is solved by means of the alternating direction implicit routine (ADI). The algorithm has been written in MATLAB language. The method improves computational pe …

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Modeling and simulation of termination resistances in superconducting cables

The models presented here are used to simulate termination resistances which are largely responsible for the uneven distribution of currents in superconducting cables [1]. For this purpose, four different models are presented. The first is a 0D stationary model, where time enters as a …

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Full 3-D time-dependent electromagnetic model for Roebel cables

This model was shared by V. Zermeno, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. This model simulates the current distribution in the superconducting layers of a Roebel cable composed of 14 strands and estimates its AC losses. The mode is rather general and allows considering the cases of curr …

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