Model files / Magnets

Fully-staggered array of bulk REBCO short-period undulator: large-scale 3-D electromagnetic modelling and design optimization using A-V and H- formulations

This model was shared by Kai Zhang, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland and Mark Ainslie, University of Cambridge, UK. In this shared model, implemented in ANSYS 2020R1 Academic, the theory of the 2D A-V formulation-based backward computation method is extended to calculate the criti …

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Coupled A-H formulation for magneto-thermal transients in HTS magnets

These models were shared by shared by Lorenzo Bortot, CERN. The two models implement a coupled A-H field formulation in FEM, solving for H in the superconducting tapes, and for A elsewhere. The tapes are represented either by means of 2D domains or 1D thin-shells. For the second case, …

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AC losses in a superconducting magnet in the presence of a time-dependent transport current

This model is based on ANSYS 15.0. The model calculates the AC loss in a superconducting magnet in the presence of a time-dependent transport current. The superconductor is modeled with Bean model. The parameters and outputs are all in text format, can be easily read and modified. Alm …

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Superconducting magnetic bearing composed by a permanent magnet and bulk HTS sample

In the considered examples, the HTS sample is either a bulk superconductor or stacks of 2G wires. In the second case, the 2G stack was homogenized in order to speed up the solution. The movement between the HTS and the permanent magnet is avoided in the model by restricting the simula …

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