Model files

Full 3-D time-dependent electromagnetic model for Roebel cables


This model was shared by V. Zermeno, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

This model simulates the current distribution in the superconducting layers of a Roebel cable composed of 14 strands and estimates its AC losses. The mode is rather general and allows considering the cases of current transport or externally applied field. The figure shows the normalized current density J/Jc(B) at peak value of an applied net transport current with amplitude of 400 A (86% of Ic). Note the profile difference between both faces of the same strand. The color scale shows the magnitude of the current density. Cones indicate the direction of the current density vector.



  1. Zermeno et al. 2013 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 26 052001.

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