Model files

Superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) connected to a power system


The model can be implemented in any power system simulator (e.g., Matlab/Simulink, EMTP, PowerFactoy, etc.) for transient analyses of short circuit currents. Here one presents the method applied to MCP-BSCCO-2212 SFCL devices. The method however has already been extended to SFCL based on 2G tapes (see for example 10.1109/TASC.2014.2311396 and 10.1109/TASC.2014.2387311).

A non-adiabatic model is used in order to simulate the thermal behavior of the SFCL device properly. The model takes into account the characteristic E–J curve of the HTS material as well as the strong coupling between electrical and thermal phenomena. The one dimensional time-dependent heat transfer across the layers of the tapes is modeled by the so called Thermal-electrical Analogy. The equivalent RC circuits shown in the figure represent the thermal analogy for the MCP-BSCCO-2212 SFCL. Resistances correspond to heat conduction of each material, while capacitors correspond to respective thermal capacity. The convective heat transfer between the modules and LN2 is modeled as convective resistances. Internal heat generation at each layer is represented by current sources. The dc voltage sources simulate the LN2 bath (77 K). The temperature rise of each layer is calculated as a voltage drop between Tlayer and g.

This model was shared by W. T. B. de Sousa, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.



  1. de Sousa et al. Cryogenics 62 97-109

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