Model files

New benchmark problem for electromagnetic modelling of superconductors: the high-Tc superconducting dynamo


The high-Tc superconducting (HTS) dynamo has recently been proposed as a new benchmark problem for the HTS modelling community. The benchmark geometry consists of a permanent magnet rotating past a stationary HTS wire in the open-circuit configuration and assumes for simplicity the 2D (infinitely long) case. See benchmark #6.

In Ainslie et al, this benchmark problem has been implemented using several different methods, including H-formulation-based methods, coupled HA and TA formulations, the Minimum Electromagnetic Entropy Production method, and integral equation and volume integral equation-based equivalent circuit methods. Each of these approaches show excellent qualitative and quantitative agreement for the open-circuit equivalent instantaneous voltage and the cumulative time-averaged equivalent voltage, as well as the current density and electric field distributions within the HTS wire at key positions during the magnet transit.

Data can be downloaded at the University of Cambridge data repository.

This model was shared by shared by M. Ainslie, University of Cambridge.



  1. Ainslie et al 2020 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 33 105009

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