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Parameter-free method to extract the Jc(B,θ) field-dependence from in-field current–voltage characteristics of HTS tapes

Written by administrator | Mar 15, 2024 5:00:34 PM

The method presented here allows computing the critical current density (Jc) of superconducting materials from its in-field experimentally measured critical current (Ic). This is particularly important for applications like HTS cables for power transmission and fault current limiters, where superconductors experience a local field that is close to the self-field of an isolated conductor. Therefore it is necessary to solve an inverse problem to correct for the contribution derived from the self–field. Here, a method that involves minimum regularization and no human interaction or preconception of the Jc dependence with respect to the magnetic field is presented. This parameter-free approach provides excellent reproduction of experimental data and runs in a few minutes.

This model was shared by V. Zermeno, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and K. Habelok, Silesian University of Technology


*Matlab, version 2015a and Comsol Multiphysics, version 5.2a with Livelink for Matlab


  1. Zermeno et al. 2017 Supercond. Sci. Tech. 30 034001